Books I've read in 2019
Here are all the books that I've read in 2019
- Dino Buzzati, The Tartar Steppe
- Robert Graves, I, Claudius
- Graham Greene, The end of the affair
- Julian Barnes, Flaubert's Parrot
- Flaubert, Madame Bobary
- Ernest Hemingway, Fiesta: The sun also rises
- Esopo, Fables
- EM Forster, Howards End
- Rory Sutherland, Alchemy
- Peter Bevelin, All I want to know is where I'm gonna die
- Andy Groove, High Output Management
- Robert G. Hagstrom, The Warren Buffett Way
- Robert G. Hagstrom, The Warren Buffett Porfolio
- Phillip Fisher, Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits
- Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, Security Analysis
- Victor Niederhoffer, The education of a Speculator
- Michael Porter, Competitive Advantage
- Michael Porter, Competitive Strategy
- Neil Strauss, The Truth
- Charles Darwin, The origin of species
- Peter Bevelin, A few lessons for investors and managers
- Garrett Hardin, Filter against folly
- Janet Lowe, Damn Right! Behind the scenes with Charlie Munger
- Arnold Schwarzenegger, Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story
- Séneca, Cosolations
- Séneca, Dialogues
- Dale Carnegie, How to win friends and influence people
- Peter Bevelin, Seeking Wisdom
- Charlie Munger, Poor Charlie's Almanack
- Peter Thiel, From zero to one
- Chris Voss, Never Split the difference
- Nassim Taleb, Fooled by Randomness
- Nassim Taleb, The Black Swan
- Nassim Taleb, Antifragile
- Nassim Taleb, Skin in the Game